Right Place, Right Time (RiPiT) Carbon Emissions Service

Novel RiPiT Metrics for Intelligent Application Shifting Marginal Carbon for various ISOs/Power Grids (24-hour, kgCO2/MWh, Fuel-on-Magin

  • MISO-north, MISO-south
  • SPP, CAISO (not available), ERCOT (not available)
Avg Carbon Variation and Potential Carbon Emissions reduction, Deferrable Workload (various hours, flexibility fractions)
  • MISO (today, less than 1 pct benefit), MISO Future (renewables increase creates 3x carbon variation, growing to 8 pct potential benefit in future, growing benefit as grid decarbonizes)
  • CAISO (today, 8-17 pct benefit), CAISO Future (renewables increase creates 3x carbon variation, increasing to 21 pct possible benefit in future), lower in benefits in summer, but a growing improvement as grid decarbonizes
Estimating Carbon-reduction Opportunities for Other flexible workloads (e.g. geographic flexibility)
  • tbd

RiPiT is supported in part by a generous grant from VMWare Research and the National Science Foundation. RiPiT is part of the Zero-carbon cloud (ZCCloud) Project and the Large-scale Sustainable Systems Group (LSSG) at the University of Chicago .

People: Tristan Sharma, Varsha Rao, and Liuzixuan (Peter) Lin,  Andrew A. Chien (UChicago), Jiaqi Chen, Joseph Gorka, Line Roald, (U Wisconsin), and Rich Wolski (UCSB),  Former: Cameron Fiske, Fan Yang, Jeremy Archer (UChicago)